How To: Elevate Corporate Programming with BIÂN Speakers
Inspire, Engage, and Transform
Q&A with Co-Founder, Chief Wellness Officer Mar Soraparu
“When you hyper-focus on an individual and their well-being, you are supporting many others that are in their circles — friendships, family and businesses. It begins with one and radiates much further. This is how I see the work that I and we do at BIÂN — it is a passionate focus on the individual in an effort to transform the world.”- Mar Soraparu
Can you share your top “lifestyle tweaks” that you believe will help support people’s journey towards better wellbeing? Please give an example or story for each.
1. Determine your own meanings. Decide what “enough” and “balance” means to you. Especially when you have children, your day to day ability changes in terms of productivity and energy. Deciding what is “enough” vs the constant feeling of “not doing enough” that is so common, is something I work through daily as a high performer. Sometimes a little “releasing of the grip” is all it really takes if you want to continue doing both work & family.
2. Move your body in ways that leave you feeling energized vs depleted. Physical exercise is key to a healthy existence however if you are tired after a workout, you pushed it too hard. When you feel exerted but strong, sweaty but energized, you are doing it right!
3. Eat for energy — food is fuel. After eating, you should be energized and not sluggish. This is the simple indication of if your diet is working for you or against you. I also believe in doing a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) which we do at BIÂN with our Director of Naturopathy and Nutrition which will provide you with real time feedback as to how your choices are impacting your glucose levels. For example, I can eat a banana with almond butter after 2pm but in the morning, it leaves me feeling awful due to my spiking levels! Fascinating.
4. Sleep. This is essential. Figure out a way to get adequate sleep! The proof is in the pudding here.
If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of wellness to the most amount of people, what would that be?
BIÂN is that movement — so I guess we must expand~ Another movement would be MINDSET MASTERY. Own your mindset (how you think, what responsibility you hand over to others that is yours to take, or taking on other peoples responsibilities that is theirs to take, what actions you take and what you define things to be) and you can live the life you have dreamed of.
What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why?
1. There will be more hurdles than open doors. This was something I expected but it is always something to remember. Every roadblock, can be looked at as an opportunity otherwise it can be quite disappointing
2. Ensure you don’t lose your own wellness in the pursuit of helping others. I have never had a tough time taking great care of myself until the birth of my child + my business. There must be a recalibration and redefining of standards in order to truly make things work
3. Quickly figure out your threshold. Only when you are well and whole can you truly give back to others in an impactful way. Figure out how many clients/projects/meetings you can handle in 1 day that doesn’t leave you unavailable for your family and your self later.
4. Motherhood + Entrepreneurship — and all that comes with this. The struggle seems to be never-ending for what is enough in both areas. Reminder that it is up to you to decide and that’s okay if it changes or shifts with the seasons.
5. The small reminders must be savored. There may come a time when you question it all — and this is when you remind yourself of how far you have come, what you have done to get here and how impactful it all has been. Building an arsenal of these reminders is so important and helpful.
Sustainability, veganism, mental health and environmental changes are big topics at the moment. Which one of these causes is dearest to you, and why?
All of these topics are ones that are critically important. I would say that my work and the work of BIÂN is in the mental health arena. Mental health is being mindful — about your physical, emotional, social, nutritional, environmental, and spiritual states and that is what BIÂN supports through all of our offerings, modalities and programming. From our Listening Room (music therapy) to our Nap Room (Sleep!), to our Eastern medicine, Concierge Medical, Coaching, Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Fitness & Studio and Spa, there are countless journeys one can take, everyday. When we are mentally well, we can make strong choices and become more impactful and available to serve our planet — for sustainability activism, environmental support and even make more intelligent choices around how we eat. It really does come down to being well — and owning your well-being. Living well is a choice that all of us must make over and over and over again.