How To: Elevate Corporate Programming with BIÂN Speakers
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Q&A with Dr. Avanti Kumar-Singh, Director Of Ayurveda
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda in Sanskrit means “the science & knowledge of life”. The essence of Ayurveda is that when we live in harmony with the rhythms of Nature on both a macro and micro level, we will have optimal heath and a vibrant life. It quite literally is a manual for living.
What does a modern panchakarma cleanse involve? Please explain the different elements/steps and explain the purpose/process of each.
Panchakarma means “five actions” which refers to five procedures for removal of toxins from the human system. A “modern” adaptation of panchakarma ranges in treatment steps dependent upon the training of the provider - but is most highly dictated by the specific needs of the client depending on their current state of imbalance (vikruti) and their unique mind-body constitution (prakriti). The first step is for a trained Ayurvedic provider to assess the client. After this, the specific treatments for detoxification are prescribed. (I’ll assume you’ve researched the five actions and various specific treatments involved.)
How long does it take?
The length of treatment varies according to the client’s needs and severity of imbalance but typically is in the range of 7-21 days.
What are the benefits of a panchakarma cleanse? How might you feel afterward?
The benefit of a panchakarma is to give the body, mind and spirit rest and to re-align the digestive fire, which is both physiological digestion and the metaphorical ability to process and digest all things coming into the human system- energetically, emotionally and spiritually.
Who might benefit most from doing a panchakarma cleanse? Do you recommend it?
Anyone who is seeking greater well-being and optimal health. I recommend it- but it must be done with a well-trained and qualified Ayurvedic provider.
Are there any potential negative side effects to be aware of?
One must be prepared for the effects of toxin removal which can be physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.