Amy Robbins
December 11, 2023

Cultivating Self-Love

Practical tips for nurturing your relationship with yourself.

Self-love is an essential aspect of our overall well-being and happiness. Yet, it can often feel challenging to prioritize our own needs and embrace self-compassion. In this blog post, we turn to Amy Robbins, Director of Mental Health at BIÂN, who shares practical tips for cultivating self-love. From keeping an inspirations folder to focusing on your own needs, these strategies can help lay the groundwork for a healthier relationship with yourself.

  1. Keep an Inspirations Folder: According to Amy Robbins, one of her favorite tips for patients is to create an inspirations folder. This folder should contain loving messages, such as recommendation letters from old teachers, heartfelt birthday cards from friends, or positive write-ups from bosses. These reminders of others seeing the lovable parts of you can serve as a foundation for self-love, especially if it's something you find challenging.
  1. Write Down Your Favorite Qualities: Take a moment to reflect and write down the qualities about yourself that you love and appreciate. We all have imperfections, but instead of fixating on what we dislike, challenge yourself to focus on the aspects you genuinely like and value. By intentionally recognizing and appreciating these qualities, you can gradually shift your perspective towards self-love and acceptance.
  1. Say Yes to Yourself: When we think about setting boundaries, it's often seen as a negative act. However, in reality, saying no to certain things is actually saying yes to ourselves. Identify the areas in your life where you want to prioritize your own needs more. By actively choosing to say yes to yourself, saying no to other demands becomes easier and allows you to nurture self-love.
  1. Find Someone with Whom You Can Be Yourself: Authentic self-expression and vulnerability are crucial components of self-love. Seek out at least one person in your life whom you can trust and be your true self around. Open up to them, allowing yourself to be vulnerable, and observe how they respond. True friendships foster self-love, as they provide a safe space for genuine connection and acceptance.
  1. Focus on Yourself: Often, we spend excessive time and energy focusing on others' thoughts and feelings about us. However, the reality is that most people don't dedicate much attention to us. Shift your focus inward and find ways to nourish yourself, both through small acts of self-care and larger moments of indulgence. It could be as simple as taking a solo walk or treating yourself to a cup of coffee at your favorite café. Alternatively, saving up for a dream vacation can become a long-term act of self-love, providing months or even years of mini self-care experiences.

Cultivating self-love is a lifelong journey that requires consistent effort and self-reflection. By implementing these practical tips, you can begin to build a healthier relationship with yourself. Whether it's through maintaining an inspirations folder, appreciating your own qualities, setting boundaries, nurturing authentic connections, or prioritizing your own needs, each step contributes to the development of self-love. Remember, self-love is a powerful force that can positively impact your overall well-being, relationships, and quality of life. Start embracing self-love today and watch as it blossoms into a lifelong practice of self-care and acceptance.

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