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At BIÂN, we believe that business success is built on meaningful connections, inspired leadership, and elevated experiences.
In a digital age, it's easy to forget how crucial face-to-face connection is. Learn why modern means of communication may be depleting your mental health and what you can do about it with these tips from BIÂN.
In this day and age, where technology has integrated itself into our daily lives, it may seem easy to overlook the importance of physical and emotional connection with the individuals around us. With the majority of society relying on electronic devices to communicate, we tend to lose sight of the fundamental need for face-to-face interaction. This can have a negative effect on our mental health in the long run. In this blog post, we will explore why what we're currently doing in our daily routine may not be supporting our mental health, emphasizing the importance of physical and emotional connections.
Importance of Connection
Many of us are spending countless hours hooked on our electronic devices rather than engaging in physical and emotional relationships. The constant consumption of digital media can hinder our ability to forge and maintain meaningful relationships. This can be detrimental to our mental health, as humans are hardwired to connect. It's essential to step outside our devices and connect with someone face-to-face or on the phone, allowing ourselves to be present in the moment and actively engaging in an honest, human interaction.
Go for a walk or schedule time with a friend but more importantly, "...engage with vulnerability to connect deeper and with more meaning that is fulfilling to both parties, states " says Dr. Amy Robbins, BIÂN Director of Mental Health. When you share with vulnerability, you are opening the door for someone else to feel comfortable sharing as well.
Planning ahead and scheduling "micro meetings" are fun ways to engage without feeling overcommitted. Walking, coffee, short spurt meetings, reoccurring touch base meetings, all provide in real life connection in addition to something to look forward to when you plan ahead of time.
"Explore asking different questions to those around you in order to connect deeper..." states Mar Soraparu, Co-Founder and Chief Wellness Officer at BIÂN.
"What has excited you lately?
What has been the most challenging part of your day?
What is one thing you are grateful for right now?"
One Simple Step
Taking one small step towards improving your mood and mental state can begin a trend. Instead of scrolling on your phone during your break, why not try and speak with someone in the break room? Engage in small talk, ask how the person's day is and genuinely listen to their response. These small acts of human exchange can begin to boost your overall mood and eventually lead to more in-depth, healthier relationships. Exercise doesn't need to be an hour, it can be 10 minutes. Getting natural sunlight for just a few minutes, matters. Giving a quick unexpected hug, a phone call vs text, a high five at a passerby, small human connected touch points.
Adults can lose sight of how important play is at some point during maturity. Ask yourself, "What is a playful choice that I can make today?" or "What brought me joy as a child?" and begin to dose in elements of play to improve mental health. Play is an activity that is done for purely joy. "You can observe the freedom that children have when playing outside. We too can adopt the practice back" Dr. Amy states.
Take Ownership Over Your Mindset
Fear spirals vs possibility spirals. "We tell ourselves stories that construct our personal sense of reality" states Mar. "The great thing is that we have a choice! To see the possibilities, we must be willing to notice and become more aware of how the mind tends to go to what could happen negatively, vs what could happen positively - and then choose accordingly. Thoughts feed off of each other, so choose ones that serve!" Ask yourself, "What do I want to feel?" And begin to base your focus off of that answer.
Self-regulation and intentional focus are imperative to mental and emotional health. Taking time each day for reflection and introspection can help to pinpoint concerns that need attention and allow for necessary changes to be made. Daily meditation or mindfulness practices can also be incredibly beneficial in managing our complex emotions and fostering inner peace.
Positive Self-Talk
Speak to yourself in the same way you would speak to your most beloved friend or family member. Would you say to them the same things you say to yourself? Our internal dialogue affects how we view ourselves and the world around us, and it's essential to ensure that our self-talk remains positive and uplifting. We must adopt self-compassion and replace self-judgment with empathy, resulting in better mental and emotional health.
Connecting over negatives/issues is a common thing for people to tend to bond over. What this does is recruit more negativity and it feeds off of each other. Begin to focus your thinking around what you want - how do you want to feel?
Begin to adopt the mantra of "What one can be, one must be" (Abraham Maslow). Take the action rather than waiting to "feel like it" and allow for the inner dialogue to follow suit.
Take Care of Yourself
In order to improve mental health, your physical, emotional, medical, and social healthcare matters. BIÂN offers everything under one roof, to the highest of standards, that which contributes to your well-being. In order to set yourself up for success, ensure that you are caring for yourself in meaningful ways.
Our daily routine could be sabotaging our mental health, leaving us feeling disconnected and distressed. It's essential to recognize the importance of physical and emotional connections in our lives and actively work towards maintaining healthy relationships. Incorporating play and self-regulation practices can also be incredibly beneficial in developing and managing our emotional health. Finally, it's essential to speak to ourselves with kindness and empathy, allowing us to overcome self-judgment and develop a positive sense of self. By doing this, we can lead happier, healthier lives free from the stress and anxiety that negative self-talk and a lack of connection can bring. So take a step back from your devices, and let's connect.